Star Dox Matrix Wide Carriage Printer LC-8521 - 24 Pin - White
Star LC-8521
Dot matrix , Wide Carriage 24 Pin Printer.
Flat-Bed : ideal for multi-copy paper with long runs
Printing Method 24 Pin Printer
Maximum Resolution 360 x 360 dpi
Print Speed Draft Printing:
400 ppm at 10 digits per inch
(high-speed draft printing)
128 KB print buffer
EPSON ESC/P emulation; IBM Proprinter XL24E;
NEC (graphics)
16 international
Paper Management
Direct paper feeding with:
16 international
Paper Management
Direct paper feeding with:
* friction feeding of individual sheets on the front
* Rear feeders
* Front feeders
Print multiple copies (original + 4 copies), sensor-controlled paper input from the front (after adjusting the paper position),
ability to store paper stock, tear function, print forms with thicknesses up to 0.35 mm Paper size
А3, А4, В5, letter, В4, Legal (when using an automatic feeder)
Individual sheets: 5 - 42.0 cm (width)
Folded paper: 7,6 - 40,64 cm (width - when using the feeder)
Standard: Dual Interface: Centronics Parallel and Serial Interface RS 232C Features
200 million points per needle